Upon closer inspection, the member turned out to be a prominent member of the MSU's Maroons and apparently a former housemate of two SRA councilmen. I understand where he might be coming from, but it makes me wonder just how misinformed people are as to the performance of their political bodies.
First of all, every political body everywhere needs outsiders overseeing their development and progress. It's the nature of the beast. What I am trying to do is provide some of this accountability so that the SRA has some indication of how they appear in a regular student's eyes. Mr. Gandhi, I do not believe in the SRA policing themselves as council members have frequently neglected their entire portfolios in the past.
However, the SRA can be commended on improving. I would like to offer suggestions as to how they could be better:
- The SRA apparently submits a plan for their tenure to outline what projects they plan to invest time in, including specifics as to the logistics. Nobody has released these to their constituents and I think this would be a fantastic and open way for the constituents to understand what their members plan on doing in the year.
- The SRA's office hours do not solicit anything. If you walk by their office (right next to SHEC) you can usually see a group of them inside with the door closed, or one of them sleeping on the couch, or in rare occasions: the door open with someone deeply engrossed in their own school work. None of this makes me want to go talk to them.
- Take all the criticism you can get and act on it. I would MUCH rather vote for someone who I thought was doing a shit job, talked to me about it, and then made amends than I would someone who did a decent job and didn't listen to me.